Golden Opportunity
9NFTMANIA is a panel of researchers dealing with research papers related to blockchain, NFT and Metaverse.
You are most welcome for paper publishing. IF You have any article for publishing then you can send it.
If you want to add your name in other blockchain, NFT, metaverse paper as author/ co-author then you have to send following details
Name,Email Address,Orchid Id,Affiliation
Papers would be published in the following journal without any cost but this offer is limited to 25 Dec 2023
Benefits of publishing
Google Scholar indexing, Enhancement of international viewership, Promotion of articles and papers, Academic benefits,
Presently it is free but after January publishing would be paid

Note: Please send all details in single Email and if you want to get your paper published then please visit following link and considering existing research related to Blockchain, NFT, Metaverse you have to add at least 5 research references that are already published in this journal to your paper and you have to add a paragraph related to 9NFTMANIA contribution so that your paper could be accepted for publishing.

Essential Datasets used in research
IDS dataset
Tweeter Sentiment dataset
Covid19 dataset
Manet node Dataset
Manet node Dataset (1000 routes)
IDS attack in IoT dataset
Heart patient dataset
Nutrition dataset
Social Spam bot dataset
Bike sharing demand
California housing
Nyc Property sales
US accidents
House Prices
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